The ICAI -Bhubaneswar Chapter has celebrated GST Day at CMA Bhawan, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar on 01.07.19 in a grand way. To mark the occasion, a “Panel Discussion on GST- Analysis & Opinion” has also been successfully organized. More than 150 Cost and Management Accountants have participated on this Occasion. Shri Ambe M, IRS, Deputy Commissioner of CGST & CX, Deputy Director, Directorate General of GST Intelligence, Bhubaneswar Inaugurated and graced the seminar as “Chief Guest”. He praised lot about the initiation taken by this vibrant Chapter by conducting such need base program. He also told that, Cost and Management Accountants have a very important role for execution of various initiatives of Government. Shri Ambe M, IRS also Chaired the Panel Discussion and interacted with the participants relating to various critical issues. Amongst other panelists Shri Ramesh Chandra Jena, Senior Advocate (GST, Customs) & EXIM Consultant, Bhubaneswar and CMA Debnath Mukhopadhyay, Dy. Divisional Manager, Tata Sponge Iron Limited, Odisha also interacted with the participants and clarified their queries related to GST.
CMA Saktidhar Singh, Chairman of the Chapter delivered the Welcome and Key note address and highlighted on various initiative taken by ICAI-Bhubaneswar Chapter and Tax Research Department of the Institute. CMA Tapas Ranjan Swain, Vice Chairman of the Chapter facilitated the inaugural session and CMA Deepak Ranjan Kar, Manager (Fin), PGCIL, Bhubaneswar moderated the Panel Discussion Session. CMA Ajay Kumar Samal, Member, PD Committee, ICAI-Bhubaneswar Chapter extended formal vote of thanks. With collective effort of Members of Managing Committee and Staffs, the Program was grand success. In a nut shell deliberations were made on major changes, notifications/amendments subsequently done by the GST Council after implementation of GST. The session was quite interactive and lively.